About Me

C’est dans les imperfections qu’on met sa signature.

I believe that a different perspective on everyday objects can ignite profound contemplation and reveal the inherent beauty of life's subtleties. Through my art, I invite viewers to join me in exploring the often overlooked intricacies of our world. In my paintings, I strive to unveil the extraordinary within the ordinary.

As you engage with my work, you may find yourself departing with more questions than answers. Yet, it is through inquiry that we uncover the profound and the extraordinary in the seemingly mundane. My aim is to inspire curiosity, prompting you to ponder the mysteries that surround us and to discover the beauty that lies beneath the surface of familiarity.

I hope that my paintings encourage you to embark on a journey of introspection and exploration, prompting you to ask questions that lead to newfound perspectives and deeper appreciation for the world around us.